Lum-Zing is origin from Lum-reung-tor-glorn. Lum-reung-tor-glorn uses many actor for the show, when have a show owner show must pay a lot of money but Lum-Zing than cheap it. Lum-Zing has 3 or 4 actors: singer man, singer woman, and musician. Currently, Lum-Zing changes in many way: Lum-Zing Concert for new modern, has dancer dress for advertisement. Lum-Zing was a good for describe about life style of Isan people: relationships, fun, entertainment, helping, interest traditional, etc. Lum-Zing describes are word in song, Idiom in song, act for the song. Oh-La-Nor is too difficult for Mor-Lum. Throngphon LumZing said, remember 10 songs same Oh-La-Nor 1 sentence.
Picture 1: The show of Throngphon LumZing

Picture 2: Throngphon LumZing and Paijit Dowkanong Mor-Lum is popular at
Nakhonratchasima and Khon Kaen
Picture 3: Dress for Lum-reung-tor-glorn.
Mor-Lum-Gorn singing demonstration (By Mor-Lum Songphon)